Day 33*: Hey you, sun!


  (credit: Varsha Salome)

Even as you hit the fast lane of life with furious strides that brook no brakes, won’t you pause a moment to grab a grain of scriptural truth embedded herein?
No obligations! You are ofcourse perfectly at liberty to skip these Readings altogether. Should that be your choice,  go ahead – save 30 seconds!
God bless


Hey you, sun!


Joshua, described only as the son of Nun
Made bold to command, would you believe it, the sun!
To stand over Gibeon absolutely still
Till God’s purpose he did fulfill
And the battle with the Amorite kings he decisively won!

Joshua did not doubt that God, as the creator of the universe had complete authority to suspend its functioning.

Oh,the audacity of faith!




* 2 February, setting 1 January as Day 1

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