Week 2: How great Thou art!


Since we looked at “man” last week, maybe we should turn our attention to “God” this week. Ideally, I think it should have been the other way around but that’s the way the cookie has crumbled. Hmm…

The subject of God of course is inexhaustible, and we will do well not to aggrandize ourselves by daring to even consider it. The creature examining the Creator? Pa… At best we should confine ourselves to our grasp of His greatness, His immensity. We know that the Psalmist tried it and found it somewhat like trying to come to grips with a greased pig (no derogation intended). Wringing his hands in helpless despair, He could only exclaim that “Great is our God and greatly to be praised, His greatness in unsearchable“.

The creation story in Genesis chapter 1 offers us plenty of fodder to munch as we consider God’s greatness, if only we could stretch our imagination and place ourselves as spectators to this transcendent spectacle. It quite simply begins with the words:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

Try as we might, this is quite beyond our comprehension, and the only way we can accept this is by faith.

In the beginning? What is the beginning?


Then again,

And God said, let there be light: and there was light.

No sun as yet, no source, yet there was light – simply because God called it into existence!

Alexa (Amazon Echo) may give us some idea of the phenomenon as she switches things on through internet.

The problem with a subject like this is you can only gather so much as God chooses to reveal about Himself; you cannot build content on mere verbosity. it has to be God inspired. In fact, it has to be founded on the Word of God.

So, let us delve in and look at Job 38:4-7, where God is talking to Job:

Tell me, if you understand.
Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?

“And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being [soul, KJV](Genesis 2:7).

So, it is entirely in the fitness of things that the Psalmist wonders: “What is man that thou art mindful of him?(Psalm 8:4)

The prophet Isaiah writes:

Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the Lord, the first, and with the last; I am he.

The last



Joshua, described only as the son of Nun
Made bold to command, would you believe it, the sun!
To stand over Gibeon absolutely still
Till God’s purpose he did fulfill
And the battle with the Amorite kings he decisively won!

Joshua did not doubt that God, as the creator of the universe had complete authority to suspend its functioning.

The sun, dear people, is 150 million kilometres from the earth.

Go, figure!

6 thoughts on “Week 2: How great Thou art!”

  1. Very profound! And yes, only faith helps us, not our thinking!
    Thanks Judah! I am reminded of ‘How great, thou art!’

  2. Yes, our God is the ultimate source of everything and anything. There is no one but him, where can we go but not end up facing him? Yet, we struggle every moment with our shortcomings…
    But in this struggle God wants us to rely on him to see us through and despite the multiple failures that we encounter, we are nourished by him and we grow because of our increased reliance on him.

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