(credit: Varsha Salome)
They gathered Manna!
Even though in an extraordinary miracle the bread of heaven rained on the camp of Israelites, God did not go a step further and spoon feed them. We do not read (as is written in the Psalms) that they kept their mouths wide open and the Lord filled it. On the contrary, the Israelites had to go out around the camp and gather manna as per their requirement. Further, it had to be baked or boiled before consumption.
Many a time we expect God to do everything for us. Though He can, in our own interest He doesn’t do it, lest, pampered and cosseted, we turn into a bunch of no good fat cats or fainéant sluggards. No, He doesn’t freely put money monthly into our bank account; but He has given us the “power to earn”.
Work, we must!