(credit: Varsha Salome)
Psst….baby bump on Mrs.Job!
This is quite a story. The woman who makes a brief appearance in chapter 2 full of frustration and anger shows up again in chapter 42 with a baby bump; not once – mind you – a total of ten times in all! To think she actually slept with her husband, the one whom she thought had better die in bitterness rather than undergo suffering in God’s hands. The same woman who had so obviously concluded that God had set His face against them for no reason at all and therefore deserved no veneration whatsoever. Yes, the very same person who had given up on the Almighty and looked forward to nothing but day after day of abject misery.
Talk about change in circumstances, talk about restoration of former glory, talk about new birth, talk about laughter, talk about joy redux!
God can do it!