(credit: Varsha Salome)
Even as you hit the fast lane of life with furious strides that brook no brakes, won’t you pause a moment to grab a grain of scriptural truth embedded herein ? (click on hypertext in the Day’s Reading for reference verse)
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God bless!
Under the table!
“The more things change, the more they stay the same”. For all the progress mankind has made over 2000 + years, the administration, justice and religious systems do not seem to have changed since the days of Micah. Corruption, evil and wickedness are embedded in the character of man, however advanced he may be in other ways. So the cry of Micah the Moresheth would not at all be out of place in many cities today.
It is about time we cleaned up our act and learn something of God’s righteous ways.
When will we ever learn?