(credit: Varsha Salome)
Even as you hit the fast lane of life with furious strides that brook no brakes, won’t you pause a moment to grab a grain of scriptural truth embedded herein ? (click on hypertext in the Day’s Reading for reference verse)
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God bless!
Clean up your act!
I am generally not comfortable with a subject that deals with holiness, mainly because of an acute awareness that I fall far short. But there it is in the Bible and I just heard a sermon on the subject. It is interesting that the model set before us is, not Abraham, Moses, Samuel or Daniel or any of the apostles in the New Testament but God Himself. Whoops! Rather steep, what?
The Bible also makes a categorical statement that “without holiness no one shall see the Lord “, so the call is one that you cannot take lightly. It is serious business.
“Holy, holy, holy – Lord God almighty”