(credit: Varsha Salome)
Don’t look back!
Some of us are given to schadenfreude. I don’t know if that was the problem of Lot’s wife. To be sure, she had been a Sodom resident for several years. But the horrid time the townspeople gave the family since the arrival of the angels of death was fresh in her mind. She wanted them punished and she wasn’t going to miss the sight of their destruction. Or perhaps she really enjoyed the unholy fun and frolic in Sodom and Gomorrah and was sad to turn her back on them. But side long glances at sin are dangerous!
Whatever the motivation, the instruction was specific. But she let the bird of sanity fly out her mind and paid the price.
You may may not know where you’re going, but you should be clear what you are getting out of!!

20 Sep, setting 1 January as Day 1