Guest Column 12 : The Well


He saw her at the well
After miles and miles of running
After losing what was left
Of a life of him who knew no love
Years of lying and stealing to survive
Wanting to be seen
A son and a brother
If she loved me, maybe
Life would be worth living,
With a passionate burst of strength
He moves away
The well’s heavy stone lid
With the strength of a giant

Was your own strength
Ever enough
To win this human love,
And fill the holes in your heart?

True love lies not
In the hearts of these men
But in someone Who has loved you
Before you ever knew it

She saw Him at the well
After years and years of searching
For something worth living for
She’s loved and lost too many times
Now she clings to the shards
What’s left of her dignity
A Wife or a Keep


The author’s bio in her own words

Rheanan Leah Tilsley is a sixteen-year-old poet who writes as a way to tell her story. She has been reading and telling stories since as long as she can remember, and poetry has become a way to paint the pictures in her head.

