(credit: Varsha Salome)
Graves of gluttony
Call it Stockholm Syndrome or whatever, mere days after the children of Israel were delivered from the bondage of Egypt, their gastronomic juices started to work overtime and they hated the very sight of Manna, the heavenly food that God had so graciously provided to sustain them. They moaned for meat, they craved for curry. They were quick to forget the miraculous way God was leading them step by step and “could not wait for His plans to unfold”. Flesh was the urgent need. The promised land can wait!
They wearied God so much with their weeping over this matter, that God was wroth. He supplied them meat for a whole month at one stroke. And while they were gorging themselves, God in His anger, “sent leanness into their soul”. And a great many people died.
Kibroth Hattaavah
Beautifully drafted daily manna for us
Thank you Stephen