(credit: Varsha Salome)
Bush fire!
One would think it was all a waste! Forty years in Pharoah’s palace learning all the skills and craft the epitome of ancient civilization had to offer. All of it down the drain as Moses runs away to Midian after one mad act in a fit of rage. The bloke is now married to a Midianite shepherdess and was tending his father-in-law’s flock. Imagine that! Nothing much to look forward in this pastoral existence. Miles and miles of sand, a patch of green here and there, an occasional watering hole – that’s it!
Day after drab day, that’s the guy’s routine. And this day at Sinai dawned as usual but boy what a cataclysmic change it brought. Moses might have run away from Pharoah but he couldn’t run away from God.
God hasn’t forgotten you!
23 Sep, setting 1 January as Day 1