(credit: Varsha Salome)
Once a nephew….
…..always a nephew! Lot was faithfully following his uncle Abram on foot (no twitter those days) . He went from Haran to Canaan, on to Egypt and then back to Canaan. So far so good – except for the sojourn in Egypt which turned out to be a fiasco. Uncle and nephew were settling down near Bethel but problems were cropping up. Eventually Lot moves close to Sodom (that’s another story, see Fifth Page: A miserable Lot!). The region that Lot chose to dwell was caught up in a war of kings and Lot -and his household – ended up as POW.
Uncle Abram hears this news, galvanizes his menage into action, pursues the victorious kings and brings back all that was captured – his nephew and his entourage among them.
How strong are your relationships?

24 Sep, setting 1 January as Day 1