(credit: Varsha Salome)
Waving the Rainbow flag,friends?
Howsoever progressive, politically correct and liberal minded it may seem to embrace the LGBTQ ++cause, it is an indisputable fact that biblically it does not accord with God’s design. The scriptures are categorical; in creating humans, God made them male and female – nothing beyond the binary. “For this reason”, the Word goes on, ” a man (male) will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife (female), and the two will become one flesh (joined together in sexual union)”.
While the movement may have become fashionable in the modern age with parades being organized in every major city across the world, it is not new. We can in fact trace it in the Bible as far back as the time of Lot. In the New Testament, Paul encountered the practice in some of the churches and notably fulminates against it in his epistle to the Romans.
How do you feel about celebrating what the Bible terms “abomination”?
* 8 February, setting 1 January as Day 1
Absolutely mama! Let’s trace our design to the Bible and not be whisked away by embracing this as a liberal attitude or for some, a fashionable culture. Well, the four legged creatures haven’t deviated from the norms, have they?
Thanks Beul