(credit: Varsha Salome)
Even as you hit the fast lane of life with furious strides that brook no brakes, won’t you pause a moment to grab a grain of scriptural truth embedded herein ? (click on hypertext in the Day’s Reading for reference verse)
No obligations! You are ofcourse perfectly at liberty to skip these Readings altogether. Should that be your choice, go ahead – save 30 seconds!
God bless
Open the mouth of the fish!
Jesus was no tax evader. As a leader of men, He submitted Himself to all authority and paid all dues to the government (including the temple tax). No one could point a finger of accusation at Him and His band of followers on this account.
What about us who are called by His name? Are we particular that we too should cause no offence to the powers that be, in this matter? If we have the willingness He will supply the means (Tamil speakers: enjoy the pun!)
Do we pay our taxes?

(credit: pinterest .com)
* 26 February, setting 1 January as Day 1