Day 79*: Where is your sword?


  (credit: Varsha Salome)

Even as you hit the fast lane of life with furious strides that brook no brakes, won’t you pause a moment to grab a grain of scriptural truth embedded herein ? (click on hypertext in the Day’s Reading for reference verse)
No obligations! You are ofcourse perfectly at liberty to skip these Readings altogether. Should that be your choice,  go ahead – save 30 seconds!
God bless


Where is your sword?


It doesn’t get more pathetic than this. No sword on the day of battle! Keeping in mind that “sword’ is frequently likened in the Bible to the Word of God, what this means is that we don’t know the Word. We neither read it, meditate on it, imbibe it, nor be illumined by it. The devil has seen to it that you don’t get into the habit!

Little wonder that when trouble comes we are caught off-guard. Perplexed, we run hither and thither in search of soothsayers.

‘B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me’!




* 20 March, setting 1 January as Day 1



2 thoughts on “Day 79*: Where is your sword?”

  1. So very true, mama. Satan sure does keep us busy just enough, to get past our Bible time.

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