Guest Column 11 : Pearls of Wisdom


If I could write to my younger-self :

Someone once posed an intriguing question: What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance to time travel and tell them? That question struck a chord with me and got me reflecting deeply. If I could go back and share some wisdom with my younger self, here are seven things I wish I had known earlier while trying to maneuver my way into my future :

1. Make lasting friendships. Ensure you have friends who feel happy for you, who build you up rather than knock you down. True friends are your support system—cherish them.

2. Remember, respect and dignity matter the most. Walk away from people and places that don’t respect you or treat you right. They don’t deserve even a fraction of your goodness.

3. Don’t fight for anyone’s love or approval. The more you fight for it, the more elusive it will become. Learn to step away and step aside gracefully.

4. Keep learning throughout your life. Make books your best friends—commit to reading at least one book a month. Join a book club to maintain the pace. Enroll in short-term courses and cultivate a lifelong learner’s mindset.

5. Stay balanced. Don’t get overly excited, resentful, or bitter about anything. This balance will help you move on faster when life throws challenges your way and teach you not to take life too seriously. Treat both imposters—success and failure—alike.

6. Be financially literate. Start saving in your 20s—at least Rs.500/- a month. Learn to budget your income, and understand the power of compound interest. If you’re a woman, prioritize financial independence, even if your father is the richest man in the world. Find something purposeful to do and earn your own money.

7. Keep yourself physically active. Make exercise a priority and something fun—run with your dog, jog, walk, cycle, or explore dance fitness. Staying active is key to a healthy life.

What would you tell your younger self? Share your thoughts and let me know what you take away from my list. Which points resonated with you the most?

Cheers! – Sheeba


The Author’s bio in her own words:

Sheeba Truman is a seasoned communications professional with extensive experience in corporate and marketing communications across the manufacturing, banking, and energy sectors.

Born in the coastal city of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Sheeba has a passion for reading, creative writing, singing, and continuous learning.

Outside her day job, she is a trained western classical singer, an avid reader, a movie enthusiast, and an artist on a temporary hiatus. She is married to Simon, a full-time musician. On weekends, Sheeba enjoys spending quality time with her family, watching movies and series.

She finds solace in the word of God and can’t live without her filter coffee.


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