A long time ago in a far away land, I stepped off the plane and was immediately enveloped by a sea of unfamiliar faces. With the formalities out of the way, I scanned the crowd and spotted an Arab gentleman holding a placard with my name. I walked up to him and offered a greeting. He replied with something I couldn’t catch, and his demeanor wasn’t very welcoming. I didn’t respond as I couldn’t comprehend a single word he said. I found myself unusually speechless; quietude seemed best under the circumstances. While I stood uncertain about how to respond, he grabbed my luggage and began to lead the way. His mission was to transport me from the airport to my new work place; an hour’s journey. A whirlwind of confusion and fear swirled in my mind even though I had been briefed that this was the standard protocol. Should I trust him to get me to my destination, or should I wait for some extra reassurance from the management? With uncertainty gnawing at me, I urged myself to make a decision swiftly! He stood, holding the cab door open for me to enter.
All on my own, with no outside solace whatsoever, my belief in my Lord soared to new heights, and I reassured myself, “Just move forward, it’s going to be alright!” There is no turning back. Did I have a choice? Nay! With unwavering faith, I let God guide me through the vast stretches of desert sands, trusting He would lead me on as He had done for many years!! (those experiences and some hilarious moments could be captured in a blog post some day)
Now, to the subject! Is it okay to doubt?
I believe, yes it is perfectly okay to doubt.
Life resembles a rollercoaster ride, brimming with exhilarating peaks and daunting drops. In those moments of ambiguity and unpredictability, we find ourselves grappling with questions that seem to have no clear resolution about what lies ahead. You do not know the next turn or twist.
Why does doubt creep in? Our minds are naturally geared towards being actively involved and curious. We are always engaged in the ongoing journey of experimenting, contemplating, and gaining knowledge. Along the way, when faced with uncertainties and unpredicted circumstances, look who wanders in? Doubt.
How do we tackle our uncertainties? Doubt requires illumination for showing the path. It’s akin to dispelling darkness; a lamp is called for. It just doesn’t help simply to deny doubts or to feel guilty about them.
Doubt can be a tricky mindset to navigate. Any respite? Yes. Seek the One who can eliminate uncertainty. Look to His Word for guidance and connect with Him through prayer.
A friendly reminder: We don’t have to tackle everything by ourselves. There is plenty of assistance accessible. I’ve found that adhering to God’s guidance, as inspired by the Holy Spirit, often results in much better outcomes than relying only on my own insights. This lesson is crucial, and I make sure to be mindful of it all the time.
When something profoundly affects your life during challenging times, seeking answers is natural. Look to God, not the circumstances. Think about how big our God is! True faith isn’t just believing in God; it’s about trusting in God, walking with God, even when we are filled with doubt and make mistakes.
The serpent’s first question in the creation narrative, “Did God really say that?”, cleverly sowed seeds of doubt in the minds of Adam and Eve. Then there were Cain, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Samson, Saul, David, Solomon, Elijah, Jonah, and Paul. The list goes on. Thomas wasn’t the only doubter. Is it normal? I don’t know. But it is not uncommon.
In a discussion on an open forum once, there was this question: As Christians, is it okay to doubt? Some individuals responded passionately, exclaiming, “Absolutely not! Where is your faith? You must believe! The Bible commands you to do so!”
I was a little amused. Now, we do know that many Christians, just like everyone else, encounter times of doubt and uncertainty in their faith. To me, the concept – indeed the substance – of faith is incredibly profound. Even though the journey has been challenging, I am dedicated to nurturing this unique gift of the Holy Spirit.”
As we read in (Gal 5: 22-23) “the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control; against such things, there is no law.”
Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen.
James 1:6 reads “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind”.
Romans 1:17 states, “For in it, the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith’.
I am also reminded of one of the greatest theological and philosophical minds of the past, C.S. Lewis who shares that ‘Faith like many beliefs, follows from evidence and is subject to challenges.’ Faith seems to consolidate as a result of sound reasoning.
Faith has a companion. She is called courage. Faith doesn’t mean you won’t have doubts; it means, you choose to act despite them. What about courage? Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the willingness to act despite it. If waves of doubt threaten to shake your faith, remember to stay calm and steadfast.
Life is a solitary journey; no one else can walk it for us. But there’s always the tiny voice at the back of my mind that says, “You see, I’m here, I’m in charge of this creation. I’m sovereign.” Oh, what a comfort!!
The whisperer – our adversary – sows doubts in our thoughts. Be ready to confront him with the Word! He doesn’t stand a chance.
Read Colossians 1: 23 “If you continue in your faith, established and firm, do not move from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant.”
My dear friends, while we may not have had an encounter with Jesus, we can still have faith in the goodness of God. Even in times of doubt, fear, and uncertainty, there is a part of us that clings to hope and love for Jesus. This love is strong and all-encompassing. Let’s nurture it and spread it to others. May we find comfort in God’s peace, even amidst our doubts.
Doubt your doubts.
The author’s bio (in her own words):
# Medical Microbiologist. I love science. Aww! The freaking microbes are my best friends. You can call me a virus hunter too—status quo for almost two decades. I love assisting physicians to diagnose and aid in healing humans efficiently. An alumna of the CMC Vellore, my career trajectory led me to the vibrant Middle East; my profile was enhanced there, working alongside professionals from the Royal Health Ministry. My “Aha” moments are when I’m engrossed in reading. How magically they steal my time! Currently a homemaker, I consider it a real privilege to write as a guest in one of the remarkable weblogs I follow avidly!
Thank you annan.Hope you are on the road to recovery.Thanks for your time.
My, my,my! I feel so proud to hear from my Professor. You’ve picked out all that appealed to you, scrutinized my write up like my exam sheet and awarded marks.Ive passed.. Your choice of words by way of a comment are exemplary dear sister. Look up to you for continued encouragement and blessings.
Thank you ever so much.
Hi Deepak, Thanks for your valuable inputs and the time you’ve contributed towards this.I really do appreciate it.Many thanks.
Poorni dear,
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.I can’t thank you enough.
Thank you Living annan! Thank you for sharing your personal testimony.And,I’m grateful for your feedback.
Dear Jemi maam, Your comments always bring a smile to my face.Thank you for your blessings and your continued support.
Yes Jubal annan, Faith and courage go hand in hand.Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments. Grateful for your feedback.
Thank you so much Chris.My warmest thanks.
Hi Priya,
Thank you for your detailed feedback and glad to know you liked my work.
Inspiring! Thank you for sharing such heartfelt insights. They illuminate the path for those wrestling with their own uncertainties. Your writing is a beacon of hope, reminding us that in our moments of fear, we are never alone.
Dear Sneha,
As always beautifully written.
The Lord Who was patient with Thomas will be merciful to us also.
But let us
“Doubt our doubts and trust in God”
Encouraging read. Keep writing Sneha!
Thanks a lot for connecting dear Sarah.Really fast I’d say! Your inputs mean a lot dear!
Absolutely,dear Jo ka! We are never alone! I’m so grateful for your time and support.
Please accept my gratitude dear Levwyn annan.I’m indeed encouraged a lot.
My dear Vasanthi akka,
So grateful for your feedback.Much obliged.
Thank you ever so much uncle! Your blessings and inputs strengthen me indeed.
Hi Leti, So glad my contribution which I know is a drop in the ocean has been of use to you. I’m sure this time you’ve read my post and you liked it too.
Hello Susan akka!
Immensely surprised and extremely happy to hear back from you.Yes, our Lord is a miracle working God! Thank you for sharing your testimony and I pray that it will be of use to whoever reads it.Thanks a ton.
Dear Reena Chechi, What a joy to receive your comments.Thanks for the input and the encouragement. Many thanks.
Hi Rajesh!
Very glad indeed that you enjoyed my post! Thank you.
Thank you very much Sathish annan.
I can clearly see you were transported immediately to your frightful experience and our Lord God sure does carry us through everyday.Thanks for the time taken to share your testimony.
Thank you annan.
Thanks Jikki ka.
Yes, we are keeping good by God’s grace.Your thoughtful comments are much appreciated.
My warmest thanks to you.
Thank you Caleb.You made my day.Many thanks.
Hello Rob annan,
Very happy to receive a reply from you.Glad you liked my work.
I was in Saudi,not UAE.
Thanks a lot annan.
Dear Vimala,
Your encouragement means a lot dear.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for your comments.I appreciate your support and grateful for the feedback.
Absolutely blessed and very happy too!
Thanks for sharing your input.
Thank you very much Prem uncle!
Your detailed analysis of my post is not missed.
Thanks ever so much.
Yes akka, I stand with you and agree that it is okay to doubt. Thanks for examining the various aspects of doubt and for reminding us the way out. I believe that the author and finisher of our faith understands that we are weak and would lend us a helping hand during our times of doubt.
Dear Vanitha,
I truly enjoyed reading your feedback.So well have you put your thoughts out.
Thanks so much ma.
Hi Sneha
Good job! Fantastic writing!
I can relate to the same situation. I recollected those movements and praised God for His goodness and faithfulness.
Keep up your good work dear
Hi Doll,
Indeed so grateful and happy to receive your reply.
Thank you ever so much and great to know our Lord has been so good to you.
Very well written akka. Love the vocabulary. Yes, it reminds us of the fact that we should always turn to God in times of doubtful and unpredictable circumstances.
Thank you very much Pradeep.