Earthly darkness melts away
Children look to brighter days
“Love wholly healeth all”, they say
“Doth chase the shadows far away”
Golden flashes from the deep
Locked away in castle’s keep
from its depths, the voices beep
Speak of things eyes cannot sweep
The sweetest sound from depths below
It makes the winds of dust and snow
The twinkling fireflies, there they glow
It even makes the flowers grow
The light has moved our hearts before
brought many a drowning soul to shore
Love has made an open door
So I’ll be yours forevermore!
The author’s bio in her own words
Rheanan Leah Tilsley is a sixteen-year-old poet who writes as a way to tell her story. She has been reading and telling stories since as long as she can remember, and poetry has become a way to paint the pictures in her head.
Hey Rhea! I read your poem out loud!
The inbuilt rhythm was a good feeling.
Can I say, I liked your poetry once again?!
Words flow, rhyme and rhythm maintained so well. Indeed a poet and laureate in the making! Enjoyed the poem!
Lovely poem! It touched my heart! Thank you!
I like this poem a lot.