This question by Pilate recorded in John 18:38, indicates that in his view truth is relativistic. Having dealt with many forms of truth – in diverse shapes and colours – during his rule over Israel, he had lost the ability to recognize the absolute Truth – Jesus Christ – standing before him.
Had he but waited a moment for the answer, possibly Jesus would have reiterated the verse in John 14:6:
I am the way, the truth, and the life.
That moment gone, it didn’t take long for Truth to be crucified, something that has been happening in nation after nation. In our own country, the ruling party had all but buried the truth and sung the Requiem; but the Supreme Court and the Association of Democratic Forum stepped up in time.
Not that other countries are doing better.
Take the U.S.A., the gold standard for most things.
Talking about Abraham Lincoln, Chat GPT tells me that his sense of righteousness played a significant role in shaping his leadership and decision-making during one of the most tumultuous periods in American history.
But look at America now.
The presumptive Republican candidate for presidency Donald Trump has been charged in four separate criminal cases related to his business and political activities, bringing his total criminal charges to date to 91. This includes his alleged attempts to overturn the 2024 presidential election result and efforts to conceal hush-money payments to a porn star!
Will righteousness ever find a place in our country?
It’s up to the people, I guess with God’s help