This is a little audacious besides being presumptuous. For it suggests that God did go wrong somewhere.
Let’s begin at the beginning. Creation. God created heavens and the earth. Then He created light, sky, sea,vegetation, sun, moon, stars, fish,birds and animals. And He did a quality check at the end of every day and declared that it was good. And He made human beings on the sixth day, surveyed every thing He made and saw that it was very good.
In fact the first time God found anything “not good” is when He considered man’s lonely status (Gen. 2:18). That was when He made the animals. But obviously they were not found to be a ‘helper just right for him (Gen 2:20). So the Lord makes a woman and the man exclaims “at last!” (Gen. 1:23 – NLT). Going back to chapter 1 verse 31 that is when the final declaration comes from God that it was all very good.
So, nothing wrong in any of the creation. Then what went wrong? Let us read verses 16 and 17 of the second chapter of Genesis again. God says to man ” You are free to eat from any tree in the garden but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. Meaning man ‘can’ but ‘must not’. He is given the ability but he is told not to apply that ability. He had a mind of his own. He can choose to obey or not to obey; only in the latter case there are consequences – death.
This seems to be an aberration in an otherwise hunky dory scenario. Everything is happening according to the will of God. Enter man: God’s will is not automatically carried out. Somebody – the creature – has started weighing the pros and cons of obeying God’s – the Creator’s – will. And man (and woman) now start to decide things for themselves, applying their own wisdom (or lack of it) apart from God. For He has made them with a faculty that enables them to think independently. Free creatures.
Imagine if this were not the case. In the middle of the garden, were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, like before. But verses 16 & 17 will be altered; in the NIV, they will read ” 16 And the Lord God said to man (there is no question of command), “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17 but you will (must has no meaning) not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Yes, verse 17 will be truncated, the second phrase which says ” for when you eat from it you will certainly die” becomes unnecessary; now there is no question of transgressing the will of God. Verse 17 runs “but you will not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ” Period. No comma and continuance.
And what about the naming of animals mentioned in verse 19? As somebody with no power to think independently Adam would simply sit like a dumb animal himself until the Lord whispers the names of each animal and bird in his ear. What a moron!
Genesis chapter 3 will not happen under this imagined regime because the serpent will not be able to put his trick question to the woman: “Did God really say ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” For God never said that. He said “you will not eat” and that is that. The robotic woman who is completely controlled by God, simply will not do it! There is no choice for her to exercise, no decision for her to make.
It is a scenario where the moronic man and the robotic woman move around the garden of Eden like two perfectly imbecile idiots waiting for God to tell them what to do at every turn. Think of it, they do not even know what to do with each other!
Then what is the point of creation?